Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My first blog ever here it first blog ever. I've never tried this before because, truthfully, I really wonder who out there in cyberspace would really be interested in anything *I* would have to say. I always kinda thought that it was a little narcissistic to go posting your opinions ranting/raving and expecting that anyone should care. Who has time to look at what I'm thinking about or doing when you all have your own lives to lead? The other thing is...privacy. Well, my thoughts and opinions have always been my own. I don't always feel comfortable sharing them with just anyone anywhere. Also, what if my opinions change? Or what if what I've written gets taken out of context and comes back to bite me somehow? Perhaps this is "old school thinking," which is why I am taking this step to see what happens...I'm still a bit skeptical about the whole thing though. Technology is cool...but also a little scary (and I *hate* how "old" I sound saying that).

1 comment:

ThunderChyld said...

Welcome to the world of Blogging! It's cool isn't it? Get a chance to be creative, blog, and write all you want... Blogging is a great tool. I invite you to check out my blog.

Have a great one!
